Cloud Expertise

The Cloud market is growing over 25% per year, led by technology giants such as Microsoft, IBM, Google, Amazon WS, and Salesforce. Cloud spend growth is five times higher than all other IT expenses,​ and 95% of global corporations are now using Cloud services. 

A well-thought-out Cloud strategy is a prerequisite for an organization looking to leapfrog into the cloud era. A Cloud strategy must answer several essential questions, such as expected benefits, where to start, and posture regarding the Cloud (from Cloud only to Cloud maybe). Either top management or the CIO can request a Cloud strategy. 

Our approach for Cloud strategy definition: 

  • Step 1 — Scoping: Consider the current situation and business stakes 
  • Step 2 — Governance Model: Identify key responsibilities within the organization and define the high-level operating model 
  • Step 3 — Cloud Opportunity Assessment: High-level assessment of cloud migration potential and roadmap 
  • Step 4 — Executive summary: Write a summary note to COMEX 

After defining the Cloud strategy, Pearsons Consulting Ltd can help an organization through the complete transformation program: provider selection, eligibility assessment, Cloud migration, operational model transformation.

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