Supporting European transmission and distribution grid operators in their strategic transformation

Transmission and distribution grids are at the center of Europe’s transition to a sustainable and energy-efficient future. They balance increasingly decentralized and volatile generation with consumption, integrate new smart actors like prosumers and aggregators with the energy system and couple different energy sectors to realize sustainability goals while guaranteeing the security of supply and contributing to the economic efficiency of the systems. For achieving the intended results, grids are extensively reinforced, and formerly statically operated grids are now becoming actively managed systems.

Digitalization has become a key competence of grid operators as they implement new ways to plan, build and operate the grids. As regulated corporate entities, transmission and distribution grid operators must perform all transformations within a comprehensive legal framework under tight cost-efficiency restrictions.

Pearsons Consulting Ltd is a dedicated consulting partner for transmission and distribution grid operators to plan and realize their path of transformation.

We support grid operators in all their core activities along the transformation path, such as: