Business model disruption, co-innovation, and end-to-end customer experience fuel growth
In the digital age, a strategy or transformation that is not customer-centric is doomed to fail.
Digitalization has dramatically altered the relationship between companies and their customers, whether private or public, B2B, or B2C. It has changed the way consumers inquire, buy, react, share, and even create.
A disruptive digital customer experience represents an opportunity for new entrants and a challenge for incumbents. Successful companies are meeting consumer expectations by delivering meaningful and contextualized experiences.
Over the last few years, the ecosystem has become one of the most value-creating forms of organization. It allows significant growth and a value proposition that can be quickly adjusted to customer needs and effective co-innovation. Companies thrive by becoming trusted advisors and connecting diverse stakeholders (suppliers, producers, competitors, customers, etc.) to form a strategic community.
Successful companies can enlarge their product range and avoid disintermediation by leveraging an ecosystem to get the most out of the platform economy.
Pearsons Consulting Ltd combines a hands-on approach with in-depth analysis to get a thorough understanding of your business challenges and helps you reshape your digital strategy while fostering innovation. We bring IP assets to accelerate your journey from today’s to tomorrow’s economy: innovation maturity models, design thinking methodologies, an innovation hub, a data & analytics lab, platform service. For instance, our start-up relationship management tool Boost Up enables disruptive innovation by leveraging our start-up ecosystem.
The ability to innovate and bring a portfolio of game-changing initiatives to scale has become a key to survival and differentiation for public and private organizations. In a trust-based and sustainable economy, leading brands can engage a client community around a relevant scope of services while delivering compelling user experiences. Revisiting growth models while maximizing ROI of digital initiatives requires a strong innovation culture, agile approaches at scale, and co-innovation with the ecosystem to embark on the platform economy.
Muriel Monteiro, Pearsons Consulting Ltd Partner