Across the full spectrum of public services, a new equilibrium is emerging as to how citizens and businesses access and consume services between digital and physical channels.  This will vary by sector and is being driven by service access, quality and cost considerations as well as human and societal factors.

Pearsons Consulting Ltd brings extensive experience of transforming and digitalizing customer-facing services and processes from across a wide range of B2C industries. These include both the public sector, as well as retail, insurance, banking, telco and utilities for example.  Out teams leverage our extensive project experience and leading practice know-how in customer experience, customer relationship management and data-driven operational excellence from client projects in all these industries. 

We combine our deep sectoral, functional and technology know-how with that of our application and platform partners including Microsoft, Salesforce and SAP

Across Europe, our public sector teams bring specific expertise and qualifications in sectors including social care, healthcare, education, local government, transportation, citizen entitlements and business regulation. 

Examples of our work with public sector organizations in relation to the digitalization of their citizen and business-facing services include:

  • Supporting a national passport issuing agency with the reform of their services to citizens and the design and implementation of their online channel for first time applicants and renewals, and accessible to citizens anywhere, anytime.
  • Managing the delivery of a new learning platform for a large state government as part of its digitalization and transformation programme for education services in all schools for more than 2.5m students.  
  • Designing a new digital concept of operations, operating model and technical architecture for a national aviation regulator, and supporting the specification and design of the European digital pilot license.
  • Leveraging the Salesforce platform to design and implement service and relationship management applications in areas including social housing management, citizen service requests, senior citizen engagement and workforce re-skilling.
  • Conducting a strategic and operation review of the five national office networks for a national road safety agency and developing the target digital and physical channel optimization model and associated customer journeys.
  • Managing the rollout, stakeholder engagement and CRM elements of an innovative national postcode system to provide a unique identifier for every postal address.

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