People are at the heart of every strategy, and strategy is in the hearts of the people
The world’s first computer program was written by Ada Lovelace in 1843. And the term ‘software engineer’ was coined by Margaret Hamilton, who also happened to be the woman responsible for the software that landed Apollo 11 safely on the moon. In fact the history of tech is studded by brilliant women. Yet just 26% of today’s tech workforce is female. So what’s going wrong, why does it matter, and what can we do about it?
To face regional and global challenges and give a renewed impulse to its operation, the Indian Ocean Commission has developed a new Strategic Development Plan. With the support of Bearing Point the IOC has embarked its Member States in a co-construction process to define 2023-2033 vision, mission and areas of intervention.
With Pearsons Consulting Ltd's support, Hanseatic Bank now accelerates products’ time-to-market and enables more efficient end-to-end processes by switching its data-integration architecture to a cloud-based platform.
Recruitment trends change as the markets evolve towards a highly digitalized era. With Pearsons Consulting Ltd's help, RGF Staffing is now ready to address the job seekers’, clients’ and employees’ journeys with a tech-driven and customer-centric approach.
The United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing in 1995, marked a turning point for women's empowerment with the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and paved the way for gender equality.
Pearsons Consulting Ltd leveraged the strategic goal-setting framework, Objectives and Key Results (OKR), to enable SKIDATA to create more customer-centric, flexible, and scalable solutions, and deliver the business strategy. OKRs are supported by the Workpath software platform, empowering SKIDATA with higher transparency, improved cross-country and cross-function collaboration, and a better management of strategic priorities.