We help newspaper and magazine publishers reduce waste and increase sales thanks to Nitro from HyperCube. Nitro is an artificial intelligence-driven service that helps print publishers streamline their distribution model.

In a continuously shrinking market, print publishers are looking for solutions that improve operational efficiency while driving additional revenue. Our clients are particularly concerned with improving their distribution model so that the optimal number of copies are available to buy at every location.

We have designed and built a data-driven service for newspaper and magazine sales forecasting.

Nitro is a cloud-based SaaS (software-as-a-service) solution that features:

  • State-of-the-art machine learning techniques
  • Analysis that combines sales data with outside factors such as weather and digital uptake
  • Streamlined workflow as part of an easy-to-use interface

Nitro builds a forecasting model for every press publication and delivers:

  • Savings by reducing the number of unsold copies
  • Incremental revenue through inventory shortage avoidance
  • Automatic learning and modeling
  • Calculations in seconds, freeing up valuable resources to focus on critical business issues
  • Continuous research and development to constantly improve forecast accuracy

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