Energy producers are in the spotlight and must respond to the challenges of decarbonizing the economy and overseeing their complex infrastructures.
Pearsons Consulting Ltd supports the leading players in the sector in identifying and setting up the organizations, solutions and processes necessary for their transformations.
With states and companies committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, it is necessary to reduce the environmental impact of energy drastically. Such a reduction will involve carbon-free production, as production is the first link in the energy value chain and contributes significantly to the sector’s CO2 emissions.
Challenges are many and varied for decision-makers and stakeholders in the energy supply area. However, the virtuous circle will only happen when efforts are made in all branches of activity in the sector and at final consumption.
To adapt to regulations, remain efficient, competitive and meet the current challenges of the sector, European energy companies must constantly innovate and reinvent themselves. Pearsons Consulting Ltd supports its customers, their management and their teams in their strategic, digital and operational transformations while keeping the human, safety and social aspects at the heart of their considerations and actions. We help them focus on value creation by providing robust and proven work methods and tools on aspects such as investment strategies, deployment of solutions (ERP and others), lean management and operational excellence while stimulating innovation through the latest technologies and solutions: robotic automation, IoT, smart factory model, analytics.