Achieve more transparency and alignment throughout your company with OKRs
2023/09/28 – 2023/09/29
plus VAT2023/11/02 – 2023/11/03
plus VATThe composition of "Objectives and Key Results" follows a uniform structure. Objectives are qualitative goals that describe an ambitious, desired future state. Up to five key results are assigned to an objective. Key results are quantitative and measurable outcomes that describe how the objective is to be achieved. Within the OKR methodology, however, a distinction is made between OKRs at the organisational and team level. OKRs at the organisational level represent the most important strategic goals in the current cycle and are of the highest priority. OKRs at team level reflect the most important goals of the individual teams and are closely interwoven with the higher organisational goals.
The OKR cycle consists of five phases: Organisational and Team OKR Setting, Alignment Workshop, Kick-Off, Retrospective and Review. Each phase is essential for the success of the OKR framework and must not be skipped. A tried and tested duration for a cycle is three months or one quarter. However, the duration depends on the corporate culture and can be adapted individually in each case.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are quantitative indicators that have long been used to measure business objectives. The OKR framework includes KPIs, but Key Results are used far more often. Key Results have the great advantage that their measurement focuses on the actual added value achieved (Outcome), instead of exclusively on pure results (Output). The combination of objectives, key results and a few KPIs is what makes the flexibility of the OKR framework possible.
The Pearsons Consulting Ltd Academy trainers have a vast experience through numerous OKR-driven projects and place particular emphasis on conveying their learnings and the most impactful best-practices to participants. These insights are shared through interactive training courses and hands-on case studies. As a Workpath Platinum Partner, we place particularly high value on the quality of our training concepts. Participants collaborate on topics and simulate events, allowing everyone to participate and address their questions.