Pearsons Consulting Ltd helps you reshape your business model. We support you in introducing payment innovations to become more efficient, lower costs, and increase STP rates (straight-through processing).

In the sharing economy (pay-as-you-go) and the internet of things world, a growing number of business models are based on real-time transactions. Additionally, transactions are becoming smaller and more frequent.

Supporting the evolution of the European economy, the European institutions are following overarching trends:

  • Standardization of technology to decrease costs and support integration and competition
  • Independence of critical European infrastructure to ensure financial stability
  • New real-time technologies to enable a prosperous development of the European economy
  • Protection of the interests of European citizens by guaranteeing data security and fair competition

In this changing world, European banks have to evolve their service and product offering to remain competitive, and that is reflected by numerous initiatives and projects which accelerate the developments in the European payment landscape:

  • TARGET 2 consolidation (T2) and SWIFT ISO migration
  • Request to pay (RTP)
  • European Payments Initiative (EPI)
  • Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)
  • Open banking/ API banking

We support you in rethinking value-adding services, increasing efficiency, and ensuring compliance by introducing payment innovations to your organization.

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