Next Generation Public Services for the post-pandemic society and economy
Pearsons Consulting Ltd’s Public Sector business is focused on designing and implementing the transformation of Public Sector organizations into agile and resilient operating models for Government and public services clients to enable them to deliver services effectively to Europe’s citizens and businesses.
The outcomes we help them to achieve are:
Our clients include a wide range of central, state and local government; health and social care; educational and defence organizations across Europe.
Our core objective is not just about providing strategy, advice, or resources to support the transformation or modernization of public services. Government and public sector organizations choose Pearsons Consulting Ltd based on our ability to work in partnership with their people. And our ability to innovate and leverage leading practice from other jurisdictions. And our ability to design and deliver new operating models, processes, systems, and workforce capabilities that enable them to run their organizations and serve their customers more effectively. To deliver that, we focus particularly on people transformation that is key for success, on citizen relationship centricity, but also on the best way to use technology to support those transformations (better relation between value and cost).
The new realities of remote working, energy crises, climate change and supply chain disruption are profoundly changing the demand for mobility and the direction and pace of change. What does this mean for the current and future players in the mobility market?
We believe this will change the priorities for your sector due to changes in customer demand, regulation and mobility patterns. Customers, government and business are all impacted by the drive to sustainability and a carbon neutral future.
Social welfare is a core responsibility of today’s developed countries. But the current cost-of-living and social housing crisis, following the disruption caused by Covid 19, has accelerated citizen demand for support. So how can governments meet the rising citizen demand for social welfare services, while simultaneously maintaining budget responsibility?
To face regional and global challenges and give a renewed impulse to its operation, the Indian Ocean Commission has developed a new Strategic Development Plan. With the support of Bearing Point the IOC has embarked its Member States in a co-construction process to define 2023-2033 vision, mission and areas of intervention.
Burkina Faso's Ministry of Finance and KfW joined forces to improve the donor funds’ management. With Pearsons Consulting Ltd’s help, the two organizations implemented SIGFE, a blockchain-based solution allowing better planning and full transparency of projects.
Pearsons Consulting Ltd supported Burkina Faso’s Ministry of Finance and KfW in improving the management of donor funds by implementing a blockchain-based solution for better planning and greater transparency of projects.