Over the last years, supply chain management has undergone a tremendous change. The digitization of supply chains enables companies to address new requirements of customers, challenges on supply side and expectations in efficiency improvement. Supply chain 4.0 creates a disruption and requires companies to rethink the way, they design their supply chains. On top of this global mega trends change customer expectations and innovative technologies massively transform traditional ways of working.

Megatrends, emerged technologies and customer expectations are altering traditional ways of working

Global Megatrends

  • Complexity & Connectivity: trade wars, cyber attacks, new network skills
  • Globalization & Urbanization: wealth shifting, cities as states of tomorrow
  • Neo-ecology: reducing carbon emissions, change in global consumption values
  • Aging Society: changing demographics, reduced labor availability 
  • Pandemic – COVID-19: disrupted traditional supply chains require new ways of working and collaborating

Digital Transformation

  • Big Data & Artificial Intelligence
  • Robots & Drones
  • Internets of Things
  • Blockchain
  • 3D Print
  • Augmented & Virtual Reality

End-Customer Expectations

  • Catch me in Seconds: expectation of all channels to be unified
  • Personalization: freedom of choice, included in product or service design, influence brand image
  • Health: healthy lifestyle, change in nutrition, health gadgets
  • Sharing & Reusing: experiences over ownership, refilling and renting, subscription

To build on these trends and adapt to the changed requirements, supply chains need to become much more faster, flexible, and efficient.

Pearsons Consulting Ltd’s service line “Operations” is predestined to meet current and future challenges and transform them into competitive advantages – in all aspects: From strategy and organization to processes and IT systems complemented by tailored IP assets delivering sustainable value. We individually customize our service offerings to our customers’ needs. Our capabilities and services are clustered around the following seven domains.

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