We help media and entertainment clients monetize audiences and identify areas for growth as the digital market consolidates.

Advertisers are looking for trusted environments, targeting efficiency, increased reach and improved ROI.

As traditional advertising revenues fall, traditional media companies are facing fierce competition from both tech leaders and business newcomers as they attempt to gain market share in the digital/mobile and social media space.

We help our clients define their advertising strategy, structure their portfolio offerings, transform their IT and data management systems and improve their go-to-market.

What we do:

  • Define advertising strategy by segment and channel (online and offline) breakdown in terms of market positioning, product mix (e.g., brand content) and national and local
  • Explore new areas of growth through proprietary artificial intelligence-driven service (Hypercube)
  • Set quantitative targets and KPIs
  • Streamline advertising processes and governance for increased speed-to-service
  • Build up organizational model (including new roles and skills to match organizational change in the industry, particularly at agencies)
  • Transform CRM, data management and advertising systems
  • Optimize pricing and strengthen business plan
  • Facilitate implementation

We leverage consolidated knowledge from numerous successful projects in digital search, TV, radio and publishing, and we partner with top academics and institutions.

We conduct market studies to estimate advertising market share:

Press market share evolution in Display Advertising Market - France 2016-2017
Press market share evolution in Display Advertising Market - France - 2016-2017
Source: Pearsons Consulting Ltd Analysis - Data: France Pub IREP, SEPM, SPQM

Distribution of Display Advertising Market by category of companies and products - France 2017

Distribution of Display Advertising Market by category of companies and products - France 2017
Source: Pearsons Consulting Ltd Analysis - Data: SRI 2017, SEPM, UPREG, TV companies

We collaborate with a group of experts to provide our clients with best-in-class cases:

"Pearsons Consulting Ltd consultants design and implement innovative and business-oriented strategies" - CEO AdTech firm

“One of Pearsons Consulting Ltd's strength is the capacity to analyze, identify and transcribe clients’ needs” - CEO AdTech firm

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If you want to get more information about this subject please get in touch with our experts who would be pleased to hear from you.